Sunday, October 6, 2019

Homegrown homebrew

Homegrown hops, and I got to use some this time! Wasn't ready to brew when they needed to be picked, so they were dried (in a dehydrator at 85-90ºF for about 2 days) , vacuum packed, and frozen. Mostly mild Cascade, but some potent Centennial as well. This was the entire harvest, so it's all mixed in together. This is also the last of my base malt, of which there was about 3 pounds less than I had on record...luckily had some rye malt lying around to shore up the grist bill to hit a reasonable gravity. Beautiful copper color, wort tastes great,... hops might have fared better as a 5min addition.

Batch #106
Harvest-ish Rye Pale Ale
5 gallons
8.5 lbs 2-row base malt (mostly Maris Otter with maybe a pound CA Select mixed in)
1 lb Rye Malt
8 oz American Crystal 40L
8 oz American Crystal 90L
8 oz Aromatic
0.8 oz Columbus (14.9%aa), 60 minutes
4 ounces whole Cascade/Centennial (about 3:1), flameout+whirlpool
GigaYeast NorCal #1

Mash in with 16qts to 154F, hold one hour. Collect 7.5 gallons. One hour boil. Just shy of 5.5gal in the fermenter, with trub loss in transfer. Kegged after 4 weeks (because lazy) with 2oz priming sugar. Tastes good, but the hops aren't coming through as much as I'd like.

OG: 1.050
FG: 1.018 (a bit high)
ABV: 4.2% (a bit low)
IBU: ~45-50

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Summer is hot

Batch #105
Apricot Saison
8.5 gallons
5.5 lbs Maris Otter
6 lb White Wheat
8 oz American CaraPils
0.5 oz Columbus (14.9%aa), 60 minutes
1 oz Nelson Sauvin, 1 min

Wyeast 3711 French Saison  - 1.5L starter

Mash in with 20qts to 152F, hold one hour. Batch sparged to collect 10 gallons. One hour boil. Split into two batches.

Batch A - 3.5 gallons. Will go on tap fresh in August. Possibly with apricot puree to bring up to ~4.5% ABV or apricot extract if already close enough in range.
Batch B - 4.5 gallons. For souring. Will get apricot puree and White Labs Belgian Sour Blend. Might have to blend in a small batch of beer with residual sugars. We'll see how it goes.

OG: 1.036
IBU: ~20-25

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hazy Pig

Batch #104
Hazy Variation on Blind Pig...ish
8.5 gallons
12.5 lbs Maris Otter
3 lb White Wheat
1 lb Rolled Oats
8 oz American 40L
8 oz American CaraPils
0.6 oz Columbus (14.9%aa), 60 minutes
1.2 oz Chinook (13.1%aa), 60 minutes
0.5 oz Amarillo (9.8%aa), 30 minutes
1.5 oz Amarillo, 0 min
1.5 oz Cascade, 0 min
1 oz Simcoe, 0 min
0.8 oz Chinook, 0 min
GigaYeast VT IPA - 1.5L starter
RO water with ~ 2:1 CaCl2 to CaSO4 added for about 80ppm chloride and 40ppm sulfate.

Mash in with 26qts to 152F, hold one hour. Batch sparged with 24qts. Collected 10.3 gallons. One hour boil. Split into two batches of about 4.25 gallons each, pitched yeast.

4/14 - Racked 2.5 gallons from one batch onto 1oz Citra LupuLN2 and the cascade pellets I had left (about 0.5oz) in a keg, pressurized to force carb. Racked the remaining volume onto the other batch and added 1oz Simcoe LupuLN2.

4/29 - Racked 2.5gal to keg, pressurized to force carb, remaining 2.5gal to small carboy with 1oz Chinook pellets.

OG: 1.054
FG: 1.012
ABV: 5.5%
IBU: ~50

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Learning curves

It's been a while. Upgraded to a 60qt kettle and bought a proper heat source. Test driving the new setup with a recent favorite style to brew. 

Batch #103

TBD fruit tart, shooting for 7 gallons total
7 lbs Maris Otter
7 lbs White Wheat Malt
1 lb Acid Malt
0.375 lb Am Crystal 40L

- Day One -

About 1/2 cup grain reserved for lactic acid rest.

Soft water. Built from RO with a little chalk, epsom, and table salt. + gypsum (just shy 3/4 tsp each).

Save a fistful of crushed grain. Mash in targeted at 125F in about 3 gallons water, rest 15 min. Add boiling water to bring to 155F. Rest one hour. Result was 130F and 150F, in about 4.5 gallons total. Did not correct saccharification temp because I had already recombined my sparge water and the hot liquor tank temp was low. 

Lazy, so batch sparged to collect just over 10 gallons. Saved grain added back to wort.

1.2 L starter pulled from sweet wort pitched with Gigayeast Saison II (four months old?! always check the label, especially at an unfamiliar shop...yes I know it's winter) and some ancient Brett Brux that I found in the fridge.

I like the flexibility to have extra water in the kettle going into the mash. I like that my new burner works instead of just coating everything in soot. Running 7-10gal beers is going to take a couple of attempts before I have a smooth operation going.

- Day Two - 

Boil 45 min.

1.5oz Mosaic (11.2%aa) at 10min with whirlfloc.

I don't have a great solution for cooling the new kettle yet. Ambient chill overnight.

- Day Three -

Split into two 4 gallon volumes for fermentation. Pitched the yeast. Fermenting at 68ºF ambient. About 75% grain-to-fermenter volume efficiency (rough estimate)...not bad.

- Day Fifteen - 

Added 1oz Oak cubes and 2oz dried hibiscus to one of the fermenters.

- Day Thirty-one - 

Transferred the beer off of the hibiscus. A few pellicles and a fair amount of other evidence of substantial souring. A few possibilities - unwashed hibiscus and oak, insufficient sanitizing of the bucket, or the glass weight I used to hold the hibiscus bag down carried some sauerkraut bugs with it. Whatever the case... it smells amazing.

- Day What? -
Bottled the regular stuff on 3/3. Bottled the hibiscus on 3/17. Stuff on top was still showing there, reforming after racking in minutes... probably from brettanomyces. SG was still 1.008

OG: 1.052

FG: 1.008
ABV: about 5.8%
IBU: 5-10

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Big Feet

Update 2/6 -- Bottled, no bourbon. Doesn't need it.
Update 1/23 -- Dry hopped. My scale lacks precision, it seems, or the hop supplier's scale lacks precision. But, added the balance of the Centennial and Cascade packets, and an ounce of Chinook. Oak cubes are soaking in bourbon... still undecided there. SG of 1.020 agrees with measurement from a week or so ago, and with the FG sample.
Next winter's barleywine, built from a Bigfoot clone recipe. There might be some bourbon coming to this one soon. I think the batch sparge and maybe mash chemistry hurt my yield a bit. Was expecting closer to 1.095 on this one... I guess we'll see how the specialty malt does at keeping some sugar in the beer. This may end up more of a hoppy imperial red than intended...

Batch #102
15.5 lbs Maris Otter 
1 lb CaraPils
1 lb British 70/80L
8 oz American 90L
8 oz American 120L
1 oz Chinook (13.1%aa), 60 minutes
0.5 oz Chinook (13.1%aa), 45 minutes
0.7 oz Centennial (9.7%aa), 30 minutes
0.5 oz Centennial (9.7%aa), 15 minutes
0.5 oz Cascade (4.7%aa), 15 minutes
0.8 oz Centennial, dry
1.3 oz Cascade, dry
1 oz Chinook, dry
2L starter with ~6 oz from previous 1L WLP001 starter and fresh pitch WLP090 (San Diego)
RO water adjusted for "light colored and malty".

Mash in with 23qts to 149F, hold one hour. Batch sparged with 14qts. Collected 6.7 gallons. One hour boil.

Pulled about 10 oz for a fast ferment to estimate target FG. No thank you, bottle bombs.
OG: 1.080
FG: 1.020
ABV: 7.9%
IBU: ~84

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Session coffee stout

Bottled with coffee split three ways - Counter Culture (don't know which... berry and acid forward) vs Chromatic Keynote Honey (a bit less acidity, more cocoa and honey) vs Whole Foods "Islander" blend (most "coffee" flavor)

Smallish stout as a canvas for cold brew coffee split batch.

Batch #101
Session coffee stout
7 lbs Maris Otter 
12 oz Rolled Oats
10 oz CaraPils
8 oz Roasted Barley
8 oz Black Patent
8 oz Pale Chocolate 
4 oz Coffee malt
4 oz Crystal 40L
1 oz Kent Goldings (5.2%aa), 60 minutes
WLP001 American Ale Yeast, 1 L starter (about 1/4 pulled for next batch)
RO water adjusted to classic London profile.

Mash in to 155F, hold one hour. Mash was thin, close to 2qt/lb. Batch sparged. One hour boil.

OG: 1.048
FG: 1.025 (no, really)
ABV: 2.9% (not joking)
IBU: ~25

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Plum Sour the Second

Update 10/8 -- This strain is a bit slower than the last (and weather has cooled a bit). SG 1.014, plums and oak added.

Again! Again! The plum sour went over really well, and I have more plums, so...

(Changes. Additions)

Batch #100
Plum tart
5 lbs Belgian Pale Ale
5 lbs White Wheat Malt
0.5 lb Chateau Monastique ("Abbey") Malt
0.5 lb CaraRed
1 oz  Mosaic (11.2%aa), 15 minutes
4.5 lbs plums, pitted (these were frozen for a couple of months, thawed before adding)
1 oz Am oak cubes, Med+ 
WLP566 WLP644 - Saccharomyces "bruxellensis" trois (not really brett, but brett-like), 1 L starter
Soft water. Built from RO with a little chalk, epsom, and table salt. + gypsum (just shy 1/2 tsp each).

Save a fistful of crushed grain. Mash in at 125F in about 2 gallons water, rest 15 min. Add ~1.5 gallons water near boiling to bring to 155F. Rest one hour.

Lazy, so batch sparged to collect 7 gallons.

One liter stolen to boil for a starter. Starter from DME made ahead of time.

Throw the saved grain in with the wort and keep warm (100-115F) overnight two days.

Boiled for 45minutes, cooled and pitched yeast starter.

OG: 1.046
IBU: 10-15